Page 8 of 10 Results 71 - 80 of 96

 SWC No SizeScaleQualityDescriptionOPC RefDwg NoSrc
SWC/G/71 A2 12mm/ft 8/10 ton Open wagon 2 plank No 296 (S&DJR) 1307
SWC/G/72 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Open wagon, 2 plank No 304 (S&DJR) 1307
SWC/G/73 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Open wagon, 5 plank with timber u/frame and Morton brakes 1311
SWC/G/74 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Open wagon, 5 plank (S&DJR) 1305
SWC/G/75 A2 12mm/ft 12/15 ton Open goods wagon, 8 plank 1316
SWC/MFW/001 A2 C 1877 - 21' 5" 6 wheel Platform Truck MF
SWC/MFW/002 A2 11/2"-1' B 1877 - 15'4" Covered Goods wagon 2295 MF
SWC/MFW/003 A2 11/2"-1' B 1878 - 23' Rail & Batten wagon 2553 MF
SWC/MFW/004 A2 11/2"-1' C 1888 - 23' Batten wagon MF
SWC/MFW/005 A2 11/2"-1' C 1878 - 16'9" Cattle wagon 2404 MF

Page 8 of 10 Results 71 - 80 of 96