Page 2 of 20 Results 11 - 20 of 193

 SWC No SizeScaleQualityDescriptionOPC RefDwg NoSrc
SWC/L/13 A3 7mm/ft + G16 class 4-8-0T
SWC/L/14 A3 7mm/ft + H16 class 4-6-2T
SWC/L/15 A2 12mm/ft Drummond - 3500 gallon 6 wheel tender 14ft wheelbase
SWC/L/16 A3 12mm/ft Drummond - 3500 gallon 6 wheel tender 13ft wheelbase (frame)
SWC/L/17 A2 7mm/ft Adams
SWC/L/18 A3 7mm/ft Manning Wardle E class 0-4-0T of 1881/3
SWC/L/19 A2 1?"/ft Chimneys for 700, M7, T9, C8 and T7 classes
SWC/L/20 A3 1?"&3"/ft Drummond - Dome cover for Locomotives
SWC/L/21 A2 3"/ft LSWR loco lamp brackets (1920s period)
SWC/L/22 A2 3"/ft LSWR loco lamp brackets (SR/BR period)

Page 2 of 20 Results 11 - 20 of 193