Page 13 of 21 Results 121 - 130 of 204

 SWC No SizeScaleQualityDescriptionOPC RefDwg NoSrc
SWC/P/17c A2 7mm/ft Dining saloons
SWC/P/17d A2 7mm/ft Dining saloons
SWC/P/18 A2 7mm/ft 42' Third & brake/th
SWC/P/19 A3 7mm/ft 45' Composite & brake/composite
SWC/P/21 A2 7mm/ft 48' Brake/lavatory composite (1891)
SWC/P/22 A2 7mm/ft 48' Tri-composite/brake third
SWC/P/24 A2 7mm/ft 54' Corridor tri-composite
SWC/P/25 A2 7mm/ft 56' Tri-composite double brake
SWC/P/26 A3 7mm/ft 22' Luggage van (1883)
SWC/P/27 A3 7mm/ft 24' Luggage van (1887)

Page 13 of 21 Results 121 - 130 of 204