ADF320 |
SR Maunsell D1 class 4-4-0 A545 (Built Ashford 1906 as D class, rebuilt Beyer Peacock 1921). Heading a LC&DR line train in early Southern days, the loco still has an SE&CR plate on the cab. The Southern wanted to put corridor stock on the Kent coast trains. Pending delivery of new stock in 1925, they came up with this remarkable formation. Ex SE&CR 4-wheel luggage van, of the type subsequently built by the SR and BR; Ex SE&CR corridor brake composite, one of 15 built for through trains to other railways in 1907; one of six SE&CR corridor thirds built in 1920; an ex ?SER Car Train? Pullman; two ex LSWR Eagle Express first class saloons of 1893, rebuilt with gangways in 1901-07. Beyond this, things are less clear, probably two SE&CR non-corridor coaches, another SE&CR1920 corridor third and another SE&CR corridor brake composite. |